July 21, 2023

Thousands enjoy Hastings Pirate Day 2023 sponsored by Lightning Fibre

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Hastings Pirate Day 2023, sponsored by Lightning Fibre, attracts huge crowds for Hastings

Thousands of happy pirates, and their mates, descended on Hastings for the ever-popular Pirate 'Day' Weekend on 15th and 16th July. The windy weather meant event organisers had to literally 'baton down the hatches', with the Pirate Cabaret relocated from the Pier to Owens Entertainment. On Sunday, by 11am there were a few hundred pirates and drummers in the town centre, by 11.30 that number had swollen to over 1,000! And, by the time the Pirate Parade set off, the numbers had swelled to an incredible 2,500 pirates and drummers. With great entertainment from Rock a Nore to Goat Ledge, pirates galore, fabulous drummers and loads of happy spectators, this was a fantastic Hastings Pirate Day.


Lightning Fibre would like to say a big thank you to Captain Anton Windsor, the organiser of Hastings Pirate Day, who's passion, hard work and imagination make Pirate Day the event it is, for the benefit of everyone involved.  


Hastings Pirate Day sponsors included Lightning Fibre, John Bownas from Love Hastings, Arthur Towners, and Owens Entertainment.


We'd also like to send a big shout out to the following people and groups who made the weekend possible:-

The Hastings Pirate Day Team;

The Stewards from Hastings Borough Bonfire Society;

The Security Guards;

The Bucket Collectors;

All the Performers;

The Sound Crews;

The Stall Holders and Traders;

All the Pubs, and other Businesses who support the event;

Happy Harold;

All the Drum Groups;

THE PUBLIC who came in their droves to help us celebrate! 

Roll on next year - Hastings Pirate Day takes place on 20th and 21st July 2024.

Photo Credit: Roberts Photographic. Used with permission.

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