June 1, 2023

Lightning Fibre join Local Business Champions at 10 Downing Street

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Lightning Fibre join 'Local Business Champions' at 10 Downing Street

In May, our Sales and Marketing Director Rob Reaks represented Lightning Fibre as a guest of Eastbourne and Willingdon MP, Caroline Ansell, at a ‘local business champions’ reception at 10 Downing Street. Hosted by The Chancellor of the Exchequer, The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, local businesses from across the UK were recognised, celebrated and thanked at this special event.  

"Local businesses are vital for our economy, our day to day lives and our communities. Creating jobs, supporting growth in a huge variety of sectors, their tireless hard work does not go unnoticed.  

As Chancellor, I see the contribution that local businesses make across the country to all our cities, towns and villages and this is something we can all be proud of. Not only do they bring immeasurable value to the economy, but they are also the heart and soul of so many of our communities." The RT Hon Jeremy Hunt, Chancellor of the Exchequer.

“The digital economy is one of the fastest growing sectors in Eastbourne and has been supercharged in recent years by 'Project Gigabit' - the government's campaign to ensure all households and businesses have access to fibre broadband as soon as possible.

Back in 2019 only 7% had access to ultra-fast broadband, now that figure is over 70% - vital for keeping the UK a competitive place to do business.” Caroline Ansell MP


Photo: Rob Reaks with the Chancellor The RT Hon Jeremy Hunt, and Caroline Ansell MP for Eastbourne and Willingdon, in the White State Drawing Room, No. 10.

Note: Lightning Fibre is a politically-neutral organisation.

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